Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Give BOOTCAMP a try with Coach Dan's TryAd Personal Training!

Free TryAd Personal Training “Bootcamp” training session!

SoMont’s “Coach Dan” is also a Gold-Level team sponsor as owner of TryAd Personal Training. He’s kindly offering SoMont family members a free Bootcamp Session ($20 value) on Saturday morning, Sept. 29, at 9:00 a.m. Tryad Bootcamps are a fun, challenging, and inexpensive way to work out.

They are held in Pennypack Park, three minutes from Lorimer Park. Drop your kids off at practice that day and head over. No experience required! Dan is a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist with extensive experience in the fitness industry. He works with clients of all levels and abilities. As all SoMont athletes know, his dynamic personality motivates you to achieve your full potential. Additional dates may be available if you can’t make the 29 th .

Please RSVP directly to Dan at dan [at] tryad-pt [dot] com. Learn more about TryAd Personal Training BOOTCAMPs here.

Here's a video of the team doing BOOTCAMP during a rainy day practice!